Wir expandieren ins Ausland!

Am 14. Juli 2024 habe ich Kontakt zu Johan PE9DX per E-Mail aufgenommen, nachdem ich entdeckt hatte, dass er und einige weitere Funkamateure (OM) aus den Niederlanden ebenfalls Nodes im 70cm-Band betreiben. In meiner Nachricht habe ich ihn auf unser Mesh-Netzwerk und die entsprechenden Einstellungen aufmerksam gemacht. Es dauerte nicht lange, bis die ersten Nodes aus den Niederlanden in unserer Liste auftauchten.

Johan informierte mich auch darüber, dass der OM Peter PA1SDB plant, einen Node mit den gleichen Einstellungen auf einem 44 Meter hohen Gebäude in Oude Pekela zu installieren. Wir freuen uns sehr, die Funkamateure aus den Niederlanden in unserem Netzwerk begrüßen zu dürfen und hoffen auf viele spannende Verbindungen.

8 thoughts on “Wir expandieren ins Ausland!

  1. Thank you Marcus for contacting us in PA. Ofcourse we changed the „einstellungen“ in our app and give it a try. As you wrote it worked! From where my /m location was ( Nieuw Statenzijl) could see 26 stations from DL. We will continue. 73’s de PE9DX.

  2. Hello Johan, this is already working very well. It is important that each node is in client mode and that only strategically important points, which are very high, are in client-router mode. We have found that nodes at less important points in client-router mode can disrupt the network. 73 Marcus

  3. Hallo Markus,
    Are there MQTT links involved, or is this network that we see here above, bases only on Lora radio traffic on 434.1 MHz ?

    Peter PA1SDB

  4. Hello Markus,

    A Node on a less important points is a person with portable Mess at 2 m high, or a mobile station at 3 m high antenna, but most of us here have base meshtastic stations with antennas between 8 to 18 meter above the ground. I think even some at 8 m are strategically needed to connect the mesh together.

    Do I understand well if I classify those walking/mobile stations as cliénts but that 8 meter high node as cliént_Router ?

    73s Peter PA1SDB

    1. Hello Peter,

      Yes, the points also connect in client mode. Strategically important points are those positioned at 40m and above. These handle the routing of traffic. We also have fixed nodes at heights between 8m and 20m, but these operate in client mode. Too many routers can direct traffic incorrectly. We’ve had the best experience when all nodes operate in client mode, with only very high points taking on the router function.

      73s, Marcus

  5. Yesterday I did configure the node in Oude Pekela to 434.1 MHz. The hight is not 44 meter agl like Johan mentioned, but about 25m above ground. It is solar powered. At that location is also a 868 MHz node configured in default meshtastic setting, long_fast. Today I did order a Helltec V3 433 with SX1262 chip. Hopefuly that will increase the funktion of the node in Oude Pekela.

    Peter, PA1SDB

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